Shadows of the heart: May 2006
Thursday, May 25, 2006
「 what behind my shadow. Thursday, May 25, 2006 」


A Warning for Philippines-based fandom groupsDuring the last quarter of 2005, MIKE ABUNDO bought the domain and created an online cosplay forum answering to the name "PINOYCOSPLAY.COM"

doing so, he has bypassed an already existing yahoo emailing list named PINOYCOSPLAY, which was already active and in existence in the year 2000, during the years following the first major anime conventions in the Philippines (ANIME EXPLOSION & ANIME QUEST of the years 2000 - 2002)

Members of pinoycosplay mailing list who are also active administrative members of FILCOSPLAY.TK, (a cosplay forum created during 2002, and thus older than pinoy cosplay) pointed this out to Mike Abundo.

Mike Abundo denies his knowledge of the existence of the pinoycosplay ML, saying if it existed it was an old and inactive group anyway, and it did not register highly in Google searches.

When NOELLE DE GUZMAN, founder of the pinoycosplay ML, spoke with Mike Abundo, he admitted that he did not, in fact, make a google search for the keyword term "pinoycosplay" before buying the .com domain and creating the forum.

Mike Abundo, in the latter part of the conversation with Noelle de Guzman, proposed that the pinoycosplay ML merge with his forum, saying the mailing list would benefit from the boost of traffic that would soon visit his site, claiming that his .com site was far more accessible to people everywhere.

Noelle De Guzman rejected the offer and said the Pinoycosplay ML will not be affiliated with under any circumstance. Mike Abundo chose to keep the name of his .com site, saying that he has already invested his monetary resources into the creation of his forums which, in reality, uses the format given by the service providers on the creation of an online bulletin board/forum.

Mike Abundo bought the site domain name to lead to the forum.

Since then, Mike Abundo, who is also a member of Filcosplay forums, a cosplay oriented forum not unlike his own pinoycosplay forum, has frequently made various attempts to lead members of the Filcosplay forums to his own pinoycosplay forums by posting his site links within the threads of conversation in the Filcosplay forum, often times in a blatant manner thru hotlinking and making off-topic posts that pertain to his pinoycosplay forum site.

additionally, Mike Abundo has often criticized the Filcosplay forums by emphasizing the advantages of his Pinoycosplay forum - like accessibility.

Pinoycosplay forums do not require member registration to enter, in contrast to Filcosplay forums which require this. Mike Abundo claims that this enables more user traffic to his site as this registers higher on Google searches and has more memory recall than a long series of link names like filcosplay's "S7.INVISIONFREE.COM/FILCOSPLAY" link.

Also, as filcosplay uses the "WWW.FILCOSPLAY.TK" link as an alternative to its original "S7.INVISIONFREE.COM/FILCOSPLAY" link, Mike Abundo claims that some people would have difficulty going to filcosplay, as the link suffers from regular downtime, unlike his site, which is a more direct connection to his own forums.

The filcosplay forum moderators have generally ignored Mike Abundo's actions, reprimanding him only when his actions were excessive, but allowed him to remain a member of the filcosplay forums.
Early this january 2006, the Filcosplay forum moderators have found out that Mike Abundo has bought the domain name of "WWW.FILCOSPLAY.COM" and uses this as a link to his own forums.

When Mike Abundo is confronted by the moderators of Filcosplay, he says he will gladly give the domain to filcosplay, only when the moderators make a public announcement of Mike Abundo's "generous donation" to filcosplay.

As of this writing, many filcosplay members have aired their concerns over Mike Abundo's actions.Meanwhile, the Filcosplay forum moderators are making plans with how to act against Mike Abundo's virtual act of cyber terrorism.
Other anime/manga/cosplay/fandom related groups should be warned against making future connections or working with Mike Abundo. Take utmost care against this person and his underhanded dealings.pertinent links to this report:
Help pread the word, and post this in your journal.

Friday, May 19, 2006
「 what behind my shadow. Friday, May 19, 2006 」

I could still remember the memories of my childhood but what I can't remember, I can't remember the reason my change... even if it was still somewhere inside me, or is it no longer inside me? But one things for sure, I didn't even realize that I changed. But it didn't take a short period of time but it took 16 years of hardship from bullying, I even thought of suicide but I haven't the guts to do it but a voice inside me reached to me and said running away from your problems wouldn't solve it but it will worsen it to a mountain instead of a handful.

Even now, I would be laughed at by others. But onethings for sure, I will stand with my own feet and no matter what happens, I will walk with my own feet.

Ready Steady... Can't hold me back...
Ready steady... give me good luck...
Ready steady... never look back.
And I'd hate anyone, even if they are my friends or even teachers, who call other people trash or insults, I'd make sure they will be punished. No one deserves to be called trash. I've been also called trash and being insulted but I always never mind those guys... but I will make sure they will never insult anyone again...

Saturday, May 06, 2006
「 what behind my shadow. Saturday, May 06, 2006 」

I sometimes wish that I become another person... but there it was, something that took me to realization. We are what we are."Born as a wolf, die as a wolf" they say. Even if someone changes their name, changes their appearance or even if they change their attittude, they are still what they are. Their scent wouldn't change even if they would pour perfume at their body. How could you even think that you'd be someone that you're not? If I cared for you, i'd still care for you no matter what, wouldn't you do that for the fact that you care for someone. I would never die to protect what is important for me, I will live for them.

"Don't choose death to protect her...
no matter what happens,
you must live to protect her"
-Freedert-san, DNAngel
And some promises are made to be forgotten while a promise of love is eternally with you...
even if rain drops fall forever, feeling love will always make it warm. Just for love, magic will happen. But seeing your loved one die or even cry will make your summer cold...
I want to see you right away, because I love you,
Even though I want to run away because I'm scared of being hurt.
If this unseen barrier around me should tear away my wings,
Still, you are so precious to me that it makes me sad.
-Miyamoto Shunichi's Caged Bird